
HP Green R&D Centre

HPCL has set up its world-class research campus 'HP Green R&D Centre' in Bengaluru, India with a mission to make energy & chemicals accessible to everyone through innovation. HPGRDC has a vision to be an energy research centre par excellence, pioneering innovative & sustainable technologies and products globally.

HP Green R&D Centre has laboratories focusing on the areas of FCC / RFCC, Hydroprocessing, Catalysis, Bioprocesses, Crude Evaluation & Fuels Research, Analytical & Chemical Synthesis, Standard Testing, Process Modelling & Simulation, Nano Technology, Petrochemicals and Polymers, CoE Lube Research, Resid Upgredation, Engine Testing, Novel Separations, Corrosion Studies and Battery Reasearch. Recently, several labs have been established to focus on Solar Energy, Combustion Research, Hydrogen, Bitumen Research and Water Research. All the labs are built with state-of-the-art research facilities. The R&D centre is recognized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) and has collaborations with various research institutes in India and abroad.

The R&D Centre has made major technical accomplishments in terms of developing & commercializing novel technologies/ products in refineries, contributing towards meeting the renewable energy demands, which led to significant cost advantages and efficiency improvements in HPCL. HPCL Green R&D believes in nurturing innovation in all employees and has carved out several pathways for incubating innovative culture within the organisation.